Darby Pfeifer
Client Relations Manager

Darby is the daughter of Eric & Mary Ellen Pfeifer and joined Pfeifer Realty Group August 2023, as their Customer Relations Manager. Darby grew up on Sanibel spending her early years playing on the beaches and hidden trails of the Island. You could typically find her covered in sand, dirt, salt water, or bringing back injured animals to her intrigued Mom and terrified Dad (Eric’s not the biggest fan of bugs, snakes, and mystery critters, etc.). She fell in love with our beautiful barrier islands at a young age and carried this love with her throughout her college and young adult years.

Darby ventured out of Southwest Florida in 2015 to obtain her Psychology degree at Elon University in North Carolina. While at Elon, she developed a passion for Outdoor Education obtaining a Minor in the subject while she traveled the world from the shores of Tasmania to Machu Picchu, Peru immersed in Adventure Based Learning. Who knew there was a whole field of work dedicated to the magic of the outdoors! Darby went on to combine these passions post-graduation working on the Big Island of Hawaii in Wilderness Therapy. Throughout all her travels, she always made it a priority to come back home to Sanibel as frequently as she could and always stayed involved with our community.

In 2020, like so many others, Darby’s future plans were disrupted by Covid during which time she moved back to Sanibel Island and applied her skillset to the young adults at Canterbury School in Fort Myers. While there, she created a men’s and women’s mentorship space where students could gain clarity on what their transition from high school might look like. Throughout these experiences, Darby learned that her main passion in life was to help people. After moving to California, where she currently lives, Darby discovered Blueboard, a company that believes employee recognition should revolve around once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Darby went on to help grow this company and worked with Blueboard’s current clients helping them expand their employee recognition framework. 

Since her parents started Pfeifer Realty Group in 2008, the conversation around joining the family team surfaced frequently over the years. Watching their company quickly shift to incorporate and embrace virtual systems that allowed them to work remotely through the pandemic years and even more effectively when Hurricane Ian destroyed their office, the possibility to work with them from anywhere and everywhere became realistic. 

With a passion for people, impeccable customer service skills and a lasting love of our beautiful barrier islands, Darby brings a wealth of expertise, energy and enthusiasm to our entire team. She will be assisting clients, support staff and licensed real estate experts in all aspects of their real estate journey now and for years to come.