Sandbars to Sanibel Premiere Event
LAST UPDATED: 18 October 2009

OCTOBER 18th: Sanibel Island Cinema will be the location for the premiere of Sandbars to Sanibel at 1:00pm on Sunday October 18th.

Video Biography LLC did all of their filming on Sanibel incorporating the Sanibel Historical Museum and Village as well as the lighthouse.

Part one, “Pioneering an Island” is an intimate interview with Island Born Native Son Samuel M. Bailey, and reveals never before seen footage of Sanibel circa 1930’s to 1950’s, a 16 minute journey back in time.

Part two, a fictional narrative, “Sandbars to Sanibel” stars 49 of Sanibel and Captiva’s local residents. “Sandbars” a 30 minute film, showcases the pioneers and buildings of old Sanibel in the 1920’s.

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