Sanibel Historical Museum Quilt Show
LAST UPDATED: 09 January 2007

The Sanibel Historical Village and Museum is displaying quilts from the turn of the century at the Museum Village now through March. Located on Dunlop Road, the Sanibel Historical Village is open from 10a.m. to 4p.m. Wednesday through Saturday November until April.

Currently the museum contains the Rutland House furnished from the early 1900's. Bailey's General Store also known as the Sanibel Packing Company. The original Sanibel Packing Company was located on a pier that use to be close to the current day causeway bridge. The pier and store were lost in a Hurricane. the "Morning Glories" Cottage is a Sears Roebuck kit home from the 1924 Honor Bilt Homes Catalog. These kit homes were delivered to the island by barge and only needed to be assembled by a carpenter. The Burnap Cottage came from Woodring Point where it was built in 1898. There is also the 1926 Post Office, Miss Charlotta's Tea Room which was built for use as a gas station, and the Old Schoolhouse that was constructed in 1896 and relocated in 2004 from Periwinkle where it was being used a theater. This school was built during segregation times. The first black schoolhouse is still located on Tarpon Bay Road. For more information about the Sanibel Historical Village and Museum, or to join the Sanibel Historical Society call 239-472-4648 .

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