Connie Davidson
LAST UPDATED: 10 April 2014

Growing Up on Sanibel features Connie Davidson. This first of five Sanibel Island documentaries sponsored by Pfeifer Realty Group highlights four generations of people who grew up on Sanibel. The film will features some long–time Sanibel residents who either grew up here, or who moved here in their early adult years, and who raised families here. An additional focus to adults who grew up here takes a nostalgic look back at their experience growing up Sanibel Island. Finally, current “Sanibel kids” are featured, with glimpses into their island lives.

Connie moved to Sanibel in 1972. Her grandfather already lived on the Island and was a major influence in her life. She took dance lessons at the Duggers and Mr. & Mrs. Dugger were performers from St. Louis and they taught Connie and her friends Soft Shoe and Tap. They were trying to promote the Community House at the time and Connie's dad wanted to get the kids more involved with dance and singing. Her grandfather suggested she sing at a very special milestone event on the island. So in 1974 Connie sang the song "Sanibel" during the event to celebrate Sanibel becoming a new city. Yes, Sanibel actually had a song!

SANIBEL SONG LYRICS: By Merriam Chapman _Sanibel you're our new fashion city. Life is casual and breezy, in the setting of sunshine. I can see that the snowbirds are just like me, for they traveled so far to be where the sun warms the sand.

And, Sanibel you're our new fashion city. Life is casual and breezy Setting us in your spell. You're our own Sanibel._

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