Sanibel Elves Named by Lauren Lockard
LAST UPDATED: 10 December 2008

Contest Winner Names Holiday Elves

SANIBEL ISLAND, FL (January 7, 2009) – As the holiday season came to a close and decorations were carefully stored, the six whimsical elves in front of Pfeifer Realty Group on Periwinkle Way were not packed away nameless. “I had no idea the elves would create such interest” said Pfeifer. Passers-by stopped to take photos and would call the office if the elves were not outside just to be sure they were alright. “We were asked so many elf questions that we decided to let the public help us name them.”

Lauren Lockard was selected as the winner of Pfeifer’s name the elves contest with her clever wit and reasons behind the names she chose. The elves names are Bailey (honoring a great Sanibel pioneer family) age 301, Shelly (in recognition of Sanibel’s world famous shelling) age 596, Junonia (a prized island treasure) age 613, the twins Perry and Winkle (named for where they live) ages 744, and the oldest elf Palmer age 989. Lauren received the popular “Elf on the Shelf” family favorite from her new friends Bailey, Shelly, Junonia, Perry, Winkle, & Palmer.

You never know, next year more elves may come down from the North Pole to play along Periwinkle Way!

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