Dark Skies Ordinance Passes on Sanibel
LAST UPDATED: 15 March 2015

On March 10th, 2015 the Sanibel City Council passed the Dark Skies Ordinance with a unanimous 5-0 vote. Vice Mayor Doug Congress who was the main framer of Ordinance 15-004 said "we spoke with hundreds of residents, business owners, and homeowners and I think this has been an excellent process". It was an appropriate finish to his term on City Council as this was his last official vote before turning over his seat to the newly elected Chauncey Goss who was elected to fill the open position.

Why Does Sanibel Want Dark Skies?

The City of Sanibel has many regulations that help ensure that the island is not only a safe home to its human residents but also those who swim thousands of miles to Sanibel's shore to lay their eggs: female Loggerhead Turtles. While we also rarely see other sea turtle nests on Sanibel, Loggerheads come to our shores every year. The nesting season is from May to October. In that time anywhere between 250 and 500+ turtles will nest on our shores. Baby Sea Turtles have a long journey into the Gulf of Mexico and they find the waters by locating the moon. In many coastal areas, the ambient light is so bright that emerging turtles can't distinguish moonlight from other lights on the shore. Once disoriented they are easy prey.

What is the Dark Sky Ordinance?

In a nutshell, ordinance 15-004 outlines the types of lights that are approved for use on the outsides of all coastal area homes and businesses. Lights must shine down. Lights which shine up or out are not compliant.

For more information on the Dark Skies Ordinance and questions visit www.MySanibel.com or call the City of Sanibel.

Sea Turtles Benefit from Dark Skies. Enjoy this short film to learn more about things you can do to help sea turtles...

Funding for this Sanibel-Captiva.TV film was made possible by Pfeifer Realty Group - Your Southwest Florida Home Team.

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