Pfeifer Supports CHR Manatee Madness
LAST UPDATED: 22 December 2020

CHR, Community Housing Resources provides low-income housing for Islanders in need. As you can imagine, this type of home on Sanibel is not easy to come by. As a non-profit organization, CHR needs your support! Pfeifer Realty Group has supported their efforts for over a decade to help acquire, construct and maintain these valuable housing options. With out CHR many of our essential workers would be forced to live several miles from the city the serve.

In 2020, CHR launched MANATEE MADNESS. Fifteen manatee mailboxes were created by a different artist and "hidden" in plain sight at the businesses that sponsored the manatee's creation. Pfeifer Realty Group was honored to be a $5,000 sponsor and from now until April 2021, you will find their Manatee titled "BLUE M" by the artist, hiding in several locations at the Hahn Pfeifer Center on Perwinkle Way.

Visitors are encouraged to find each manatee and take pictures with them. At the end of the do it yourself scavenger hunt, these manatees will all go up for sale during a live auction. Pfeifer Realty Group will be sorry to see "BLUE M" go, but happy to know that the high bidder is supporting a very worthy cause.

We encourage you to stop by and meet BLUE M, you may just find a treasure waiting for you if you do!

Blue M is the work of Joan Tangren Reynolds. "A manatee is large and cumbersome, but moves easily in the water," says Joan. "BLUE M depicts a peaceful, quiet animal, slow-moving and docile.

The following Manatees can be found on the islands. Locations represent donors who were willing to lend their business and support CHR's mission with a $5,000 donation to their mission. Please take a tour of these fabulous creations.