What is No No-See-Um ?
LAST UPDATED: 07 December 2011

Ever been bitten by a pesky little insect that looks like a speck of pepper & packs a powerful bite? If so, you have encountered a "No-See-Um". Found throughout coastal communities, these insects are most active close to dusk.

No No-See-Um was developed by Sanibel Island resident and entrepreneur Caroline Semerjian as an all natural repellent. This combination of Lemongrass, Citronella and Geranium oils have proven to be very effective in repelling mosquitoes, no-see-ups and most biting insects.

No No-See-Um spray can be found at Bailey's General Store, Jerry's Foods, Tarpon Bay Explorers, and H2O Outfitters on Sanibel Island and many other outlets throughout Florida.

For more information or to place an order go to: NoNoSeeUm.com

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