Zonta Club of Sanibel and Captiva
LAST UPDATED: 14 January 2020

Zonta Club of Sanibel-Captiva Founded in 1987, the Zonta Club of Sanibel-Captiva is a civic organization designed to strengthen the lives of women through advocacy, fundraising, and hands-on work. Zonta helps islanders, as well as Lee County residents and Zonta International provides help to woman around the world.

Zonta's Sanibel Captiva Chapter's signature fundraiser is A Peek at the Unique. Every year, 5 outstanding Sanibel and Captiva homes are selected to be on the 3 hours bus tour. Tours start from the Sanibel Community Church and there are 13 different tour times to select from.

Here's an example of Featured Peek at the Unique Home:

Professionals, entrepreneurs and community leaders who live and/or work on the islands and support the mission of Zonta are eligible for membership. Breakfast meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month; to learn more, please visit Zontasancap.com

Related Links:

Sanibel & Captiva Clubs and Civic Organizations

Zonta's Peek at the Unique Fundraiser Eric Pfeifer's Community Support