Kiwanis Auction Replaces Spaghetti Dinner
LAST UPDATED: 18 February 2022

Please join Pfeifer Realty Group in supporting The Kiwanis Club of Sanibel-Captiva Islands annual fundraiser that benefits the needs of the island, particularly those of the islands’ youth.   

In the past, the annual Spaghetti Dinner and Live Auction was one of the primary fundraisers and an enormously popular event, but COVID has suspended this event the last two years, and Kiwanis has had to adapt to a virtual auction format instead.  Last year’s on-line auction raised over $36,000 toward its mission.  In 2020, Kiwanis gave over $60,000 in scholarships for college/technical schools. 

This year’s auction will again be virtual, spread out over 10 days, from Saturday the 18th -Sunday the 28th, accessed at  Browsing will be open the week before.  Donations for items such as gift certificates, artwork, boating/fishing trips, vacation stays, gift baskets and much more will be gladly accepted up until March 15, 2022. 

FUN FACT: Eric Pfeifer, Broker-Owner of Pfeifer Realty Group has been a Kiwanis Board Member for 20 years and past President of the club. 

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